Friday, April 3, 2009

Just a rant

So... what is it that makes us tick? To say that I've never done wrong would be a lie, but to say that I've never tried to remedy whatever has not gone according to plan is a bigger one. Maybe that's the problem... Plans... Why is it that everyone feels like they need a plan? It's almost as if that so called plan was some kind of map to where they're trying to get. THIS IS LIFE WE ARE SPEAKING OF CHILDREN, it's the one time you experience it, and you want to do it according to some kind of grid, or set of rules. Structure is fine, it helps, but to follow that structure as if it was one's air inhibitor is something else. LIFE IS NOT ABOUT THE DESTINATION. LIFE IS ABOUT THE JOURNEY. Of course, I'm sure one can say, well, yes it is about the journey, but there still is a journey if you go according to "plan" the plan is only there to make that journey smoother....

Why is it that everyone wants things so damn easy??? Why make the journey smoother, making the journey smoother is altering the journey itself, making it a completely different one. Sure one can always do as one pleases, it is one's life.... but why make it easier? In the attempt to make it easier, do we not miss out on something? A lesson? experience? or even miss out on not missing out if that even makes sense. We are such little pathetic beings of comfort. Sure you're sitting there saying "No, not me I'm not, get over yourself. WE ALL ARE." In that comfort we may not be necessarily happy, but complacent at the very least...

Everyone wants to see a light at the end of the tunnel, and the only reason everyone seems to complaint about never getting to that point... is because they've been there already. A million times before, but they're not used to the light, because all they've known is the dim light inside of the tunnel itself. When they reach that light at the end of the tunnel the new feeling, produces a feeling of discomfort, a strange awareness of nothing, and a gradual, involuntary retreat back to the dim light of the tunnel commences.